Southeast, Queens, New York – The 2019 Small Business Champion for the New York District Office of the United States Small Business Administration Phil Andrews was featured in a headline story in the Southeast Queens Scoop which garnered a huge number of viewers on its online site. The headline was titled “See Why Phil Andrews Leader of the largest African American Chamber of Commerce in New York State Wins Highly Respected SBA Champion Award.
About: Southeast Queens Scoop – The Southeast Queens Scoop covers positive news, cultural events, and economic empowerment in Jamaica, New York.
LIAACC has been featured on WABC Here and Now and, NBC’S Positively Black, FiOs1 Push Pause, MY Long Island News, Long Island Business News, Newsday, and Black Enterprise BE Modern Man.
LIAACC is a member of the US Black Chambers, Inc. located online at http://www.usblackchamber.org

About: The Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. (LIAACC) – LIAACC is a membership 501 C (6) membership based organization serving the counties of Nassau Suffolk, Queens and Kings. To join LIAACC as a member log on to www.liaacc.org
To read entire article in the Southeast Queens Scoop Click on link here: https://www.southeastqueensscoop.com/2019/05/see-why-phil-andrews-leader-of-largest.html