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NYS Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. installed its Suffolk County Director Kimberly Grant-Bynoe

POSTED BY: Minister Lynn Davis of APRIL 12, 2016 Congratulations to NYS Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. installed its Suffolk County Director Kimberly Grant-Bynoe. According to Huffington Post everyone from the President of the United States Barack Obama, State and Local Officials and Chambers of Commerce…

LIAACC Appoints One

The Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce appointed Erna Blackman to the role of Queens County director. Blackman is the founder of Butterflies, BBI, Inc., a nonprofit providing free hair replacements to children with medical hair loss. Source: Long Island Business News

LIAACC Expands to Kings County

The Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. announced on Friday it will begin servicing the small businesses of Kings County. Founded by its chairman John L. Scott, LIAACC’s mission is to advance and promote economic development and advance responsive government and quality education for small businesses in Long Island and now including the…