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New York State’s largest African American Chamber LIAACC Shining Example of Chamber Development

Long Island, New York – New York State’s largest African American Chamber of Commerce LIAACC (Long Island African American Chamber, Inc.) is a shining example of chamber development and its impact on the regional and local area that it is chartered to serve in New York State.  Since its inception…

New York State’s Largest African American Chamber LIAACC Adds New Leadership

New York, New York – New York’s largest African American Chamber of Commerce LIAACC adds new leadership to its Board of Directors.   Emerging leaders are vital in all sectors of society, and LIAACC is grateful that its organization is committed to leadership development and chamber development; and in its ability…

CEO Sitdown With Dr. Corrinne Graham Building Your Start-Up On FiOS1 Money Main Street

    Dr. Corrinne Graham, a management consultant, small and start-up business specialist. She has nearly two decades of experience across a diverse spectrum of businesses with revenues ranging from $20m to $500m. She has served as chief officer, director, senior manager or interim COO for companies with revenues for…

State Senator John E. Brooks honored Baldwin resident, Charlene Jackson Thompson, as his 2017 New York State Senate “Woman of Distinction.”

[video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video] Thompson represented Brooks’ 8th Senate District at the Annual “Women of Distinction” awards ceremony in Albany.  She was recognized along with more than 60 other honorees from across New York State. Brooks said, “There are remarkable women in our midst whose lives, work and accomplishments contribute…
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